Twitter counter won’t work

You placed twitter button on your website, but after some time you still see 0 on counter. Even when you tweet your page, it still won’t count. There may be several posibble reasons for that issue. Here are solutions for most common.

twitter counter code wont work

1. Place “data-count” part in your code, if there is no one:

< a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" data-count="vertical">Tweet< /a >

There instead of “vertical” you can place “horizontal” if you want that.

2. If you are using or some other URL shortener, that can be an issue, too. Just change that to your real URL in the code, at “data-url” part.

3. WWW and non www are not consistent. If your site have www as primary url and in twitter code you placed url without it, that can be a reason for not counting, too.

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